Frank’s story
كان يا مكان في قديم الزمان وحش يعيش مع قردة في الكهوف. كان يوقد النار بالحطب و الحجر في الليل. و في الصباح يقول : “أ أ أ أ” و يقفز بين الأشجار و يقتل بعض حيوانات الغابة. لقد صنع سكين و لما أحاطت...
View ArticleHobbies
(Badminton) : I like to play badminton. We use a racket and a plastic ball. When I play with my brother we usually argue in the middle of the game. Another game I like is the one I describe here :...
View Articleثافسوث امازيغن
تفناغ حروف الأبجدية الامازيغية تفناغ هي حروف الأبجدية الامازيغية القديمة التي يعود تاريخ نشأتها إلى أزيد من 300 سنة . و هي حروف لازالت منقوشة على الصخر في مواقع أثرية عديدة عبر شمال إفريقيا , موطن...
View Articleweek 6
Some people squeeze balls and stress floats away; others put their feet in a massage bowl full of tiny balls or fish to eat the dead skin. We run around the garden without stopping. Or, we lie in the...
View ArticleWeek 7
Our learners visit other blogs. They exchange comments. Some are mentioned in the present post. Here you have the 5 great blogs we enjoy visiting from our blogroll : Arabia China Jaiden Mrs...
View ArticleWeek 8
We like partying in other countries for Christmas, Eid El Adha, Haloween and Easter. The web tool we liked discovering is: and the topics it prompts like ‘Foreign...
View ArticleThings we Love to Do
Topic A challengers’ poster we like to share with our readers. I like Harry Potter and many other books. I use books and Internet for spellchecking. It has wizards and witches. They have a game with...
View ArticleWeek 10
We wrote more than seven posts. Most of them were set by the challenge and a few school based. We received many comments from teachers or overseas students. ‘Week 3’ post received the most of comments...
View ArticleHarry Potter
I spent the week reading. I am super happy. We can make available more time for reading. When I compare to Harry Potter he had a Division lesson. It was boring but with his friends it’s fun because...
View ArticleSteps to writing
1 I put sentences in order to reconstruct a telephone conversation: Oh, hello, Mrs Brown. How are you?1 I’m fine, thanks, but Tina isn’tverywell.She’sgot a cold.2 A cold? Oh, dear. I am sorry.3 And she...
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